Year 4 - Art - See 3 Shapes
Year 4 #embraced our Art activity this week, learning how to draw objects by seeing the 3 shapes. We used ink to show an objects outline, shadows and shadows found inside the objects.
Finding out about the Stone Age
In our first history lesson, we looked at some replica artefacts and photographs of artefacts from the Stone Age & Iron, to try and see what we could work out about life in the Stone Age, as historians have had to do.
The Big Bad Wolf visits Year 3
Year 3 had a special visitor for their experience day introduced their new story, 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs'. The Big Bad Wolf came and explained what actually happened and tell us the true story of events. We then just had time to have a go at drawing the Big Bad Wolf.
Day 1 in Year Sept 2024
Year 3 had a great first day back and have settled quickly into life in Year 3. From a behaviour bootcamp to master the rules, to Maths, Handwriting, Spelling, Art and more, it has been a busy first day.
Year 2 enjoyed their transition morning in Year 3
Year 2 (soon to be Year 3) enjoyed their transition morning in Year 3.They found out what they would be learning about next year, learnt how to use their magic badge to log into the chromebooks and even managed to fit in some handwriting, date writing and listened to the Dot Story to learn about…
Year 2: Aspirations week in Year 2
Year 2 have had a brilliant aspirations week. They have learnt from an Optometrist and Martial Arts instructors. They have learnt all about the job and what they have to do in their careers. They also spoke to us about what skills you need to have to get involved in either career. It was great to…
Year 2 Computing - How to find information online!
Year 2 Computing - How to find information online!
This week in computing the children took a step back from 3D slash and started 'how to find information for 1 week'. The children loved this and had to fill out questions which they could find online. #Enjoy #Evolve…
Year 2: Computing
Year 2 have been smashing their computing recently! We have been learning about 3D printing and we have carried on creating things using 3D Slash! Year 2 have enjoyed this unit and have been so enthusiastic. Can't wait to see these materialise and come off the press. #Enjoy #Embrace…
Year 2: School Trip to Brockholes
Year 2 were absolutely thrilled with their trip to Brockholes. They had a great time! Here are some pictures from the planting, map reading and orienteering! Great work Year 2. #Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve
Year 2: Summer 1 recap!
With the Summer 1 term coming to an end. We are looking back at all of the amazing things we got up to and had fun doing! Nothing but smiles!
#Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve
Year 2 - DT - Exploring Wheels and Axles
Year 2 have #embraced making a moving vehicle, using wheels and axles. We #enjoyed putting all the parts together, looking how it moves and how we could make it stronger to move on different terrains. We loved taking our vehicles on a walk around the playground!