Year 4 - Roman Experience
What a lovely morning Year 4 have had. They really #enjoyed their Now Press Play session all about Roman Britain. We used the headsets to walk in a Roman child’s shoes during the rebellion. They throughly loved the session and enjoyed the different experience.
Year 4 - Dogs Trust
Year 4 loved our Zoom from Dogs Trust today. We looked at some ways to look look after our pets and also how to approach others who have dogs. We really #enjoyed the session and talking about our beloved furry friends.
Year 4 - Classifying Vertebrates
Year 4 have #embraced classifying vertebrates today after learning the different types of characteristics.
Year 4 - Advent Assembly
Year 4 loved learning all about Advent from our virtual assembly today! We #evolved our understanding of what Advent actually means and seeing how this happened during the very first Christmas. Thank you Mrs O and Mrs Burton!
Year 4 - Attendance Winners
Year 4 really #enjoyed exploring with the playground equipment today after winning the attendance prize. They cannot wait for their playtimes this week!
Year 4 - Mosaics
Year 4 are really #embracing working with new materials in Art this term. After creating our collage pieces we took to clay and tiles to create our colourful, vibrant Mosaics. The children have #enjoyed looking at Antoni Gaudi for inspiration and exploring the skills that they are capable of! We…
Year 4 - Guided Read
Year 4 #enjoyed exploring new vocabulary from our class novel this morning. We watched a short clip of the film and looked at the definition of some words we will address this week.
Year 4 - Writing
Year 4 have loved retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk this week, and have #evolve by using some really unlevelled sentences. They can’t wait to plan their own version next week!
Year 4 - Artist Research
Year 4 #embraced their creative sides in our first art lesson of the year. We looked at the architect Antoni Gaudi and his incredible mosaics. We looked at the shaped and colors used to create our own artist research page in our sketchbooks.
Year 4 - Diwali
Year 4 really #enjoyed listening to our first virtual assembly from our lovely Miss Hains. Miss Hains told us all about Diwali, the Hindu celebration. We found it really interesting how the stories from the past are still celebrated with the Festival of Light today.
Year 4 - Friendship Day
Year 4 have totally #embraced our Friendship Day. We have displayed our odd socks in support of equality and diversity. We also loved watching some of our children featured in the Andy and The Oddsocks music video.
Year 4 - Youth Climate Sessions
Year 4 have totally #embraced their Youth Climate sessions this week. We took part in one regarding keeping out oceans safe and one to understand more about global warming and the effect on our planet. Great sessions and great engagement from Year 4!