Year 4 - Playground with Poppy
The love for Poppy is real in Year 4. They love spending time with her on the playground.
Year 4 -Silent Disco
Look at those smiles! Such an #enjoyable attendance prize!
Year 4 - Evaporation
Year 4 #enjoyed learning about Evaporation in our investigation this week. We placed wet clothes in different places to see if the temperature affected how quick things took to dry.
Year 4 - Times Table Practise
We have such a competitive bunch here in Year 4! We love filling our spare time battling each other and smashing our times tables! #Evolve
Year 4 - Computing
Year 4 really #enjoy their Computing time! This week we looked at Online Bullying, discussing how it makes other feel and what we can do to combat it.
Year 4 - VE Day
What a lovely VE Day! From paintings, to party lunches and Now Press Play. Year 4 have #enjoyed learning about VE Day and creating their own celebrations.
Year 4 - Online Relationships
Year 4 #enjoyed our computing lesson today, based on Online Relationships. We looked at the importance of ‘trust’ and only playing online with people that we know.
Year 4 - Den Making
This morning, Year 4 #embraced the challenge of building dens in our PE session. Team work and resilience was key with the groups working together to build the most successful Den.
Year 4 - Now Press Play
Year 4 loved our experience with Now Press Play. We #embraced a search to Earth to collect solids, liquids and gases.
Year 4 - Fun on the Adventure Playground
Year 4 have totally #enjoyed the adventure playground this week, after winning attendance. Lovely to see the huge smiles and giggles along the way.
Year 4 - The Water Cycle
Throughout English and Science, Year 4 have been exploring the Water Cycle. We were blown away with the facts that we found, especially the fact that we drink the same waters that the dinosaurs did! A great topic to #enjoy!
Year 4 - Orienteeing
Year 4 are loving the new way of working in PE. Lots of smiles all round!