Year 4 - Safer Internet Day 2020
Today we looked at the theme of ‘identity’ as part of our Safer Internet Day. We #embraced discussions of how we we can protect our online reputation through creating suitable usernames and avatars. We also looked at what others has put online and judged them based on the way they treat others and…
Year 4 - Tonal Drawings
Today Year 4 have #enjoyed experimenting with tone and shade. We started by practising drawing from dark to light and then using our new skills to create a small tonal drawing based on water.
Year 4 - Art
Today, we have been investigating a new artist in Year 4. We #embraced the glasswork of Adriana Brinsmead-Stockham. We observed that her work looked like water or eroded rocks. We #enjoyed learning new things about an artist and looking at how we can use some ideas to create our own drawings based…
Year 4 - Locating UK Rivers
Year 4’s new geography topic is based on UK Rivers. We #evolved our understanding of atlas’ to help us locate the rivers of the UK and learn what areas they pass through. We #enjoyed working in different ways and starting our new topic.
Year 4 - Australia Day
Year 4 #embraced our learning during Australia Day by looking into the recent bush fires. We learned about global warming and the effect it is having on our planet. We #enjoyed creating catchy headlines about the fires and using alliteration or repetition to make them stand…
Year 4 - Creating a Google logo
Year 4 have #evolved their programming skills by creating their own Google logos. We programmed the phrase through Scratch, using different sprites to choose our own theme. We really #enjoyed using our programming skills in different ways.
Year 4 - Healthy Minds
Today we #embraced our second Healthy Minds Visit today. Andy spoke to us about that importance of our mental health and talking to someone when we are feeling anxious or down.
Year 4 - Science
Year 4 have been learning about the importance of teeth in Science this term. They have #enjoyed learning the different names and functions of our teeth. Yesterday, they set up and investigation to see the affect of different liquids on our teeth, understanding the importance of keeping our mouths…
Year 4 - PE
Year 4 #evolved their team work and communication skills to problem solve and navigate around a minefield to build a stretcher and get it across to the other side.
Year 4 - Visit from Monty Dogg
Year 4 really #enjoyed listening to Mark and Monty’s Christmas poems and stories. We love having them in class and listening to their great tales.
Year 4 - Hour Of Code
Year 4 have #evolved their programming skills during their Hour of Code.
Year 4 - Experimenting with tone
Year 4 have been experimenting with drawing techniques and applying tone to our 'Skull Drawings'. We used our observational drawing skills to draw the outlines and apply tone to show shadows.