Year 4 - Computing
Today we #evolved our knowledge of the app 'Book Creator' in starting our new topic of Real or Fake? In this session we look at fake news and how social media allowes it to be spread quickly.
Year 4 - PE
Today we #embraced speed trails in PE. We played running games that required solving problems as part of a team.
Year 4 - International Dot Day
Today, Year 4 #enjoyed International Dot Day! We #embraced the new challenges to create our own dot, making marks and seeing where they can take us. We first created our dot with paints, learning how to mix and explore different colours. Afterwards, we used our dots to create looms to weave into.…
Year 4 - Healthy Minds
Today Year 4 took a trip to the Healthy Mind and learned about what we need to keep our brains healthy. #evolve
Year 4 - Apollo 11 Day
Year 4 had a great day learning about key parts in our history. We #enjoyed learning about the 3 astronauts and looking at what they did in space.
Year 4 - Big Red Bus Lunch
Today some of our Year 4 children climbed aboard Mellor's lunch bus. We had a lovely dinner, ice cream and had a sing songs to some tunes.
Year 4 - Creating Simple Circuits
Today, Year 4 experimented with wires, cells and bulbs to create a simple circuit. We looked at what it needs to function and found that the cell plays a very important part. We then tested different circuits to see if they were complete or incomplete.
First Week of Year 4!
What a first week back, settling into our new classroom. We have taken part in classroom hunts, thought about our wishes for Year 4 and creating some amazing artwork to display around our room. Super excited for the rest of the year!
Year 4 - Yoga and Mindfullness
Today, Year 4 have #enjoyed taking part in some Yoga and Mindfullness sessions. We looked at breathing techniques and stretching our bodies.
Year 4 - Place Value
Year 4 have been working on partitioning 4 digit numbers into Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Ones. We have been using lots of methods to show how we can partition them.
Year 4 - Running with the Wigan Runner
Today, Year 4 took part in a running session with Matthew, the Wigan runner. He informed us about how we can become runners and how to make sure we take care of our body, especially in the lovely sunshine. Year 4 #embraced running 10 laps with the runner and enjoyed the cool down session…
Year 4 - Visit from the Fire Service
Today we had another exciting visit from the Fire Service. The visitors explained a bit about their jobs and showed the children the different equipment they have to take round with them for the many different emergencies they attend. Year 4 #embraced the visit and asked lots of…