Year 1 - RE - The Creation Story
In RE, Year 1 have #enjoyed listening to the Creation story. We looked at what happened each day and the children retold the story using their drawings.
Year 1 - Art - Drawing Self Portraits
Year 1 #enjoyed using drawing pencils to draw their self portraits. We used thin lines to create a line drawing, using mirrors to see the shapes our faces make.
Reception - Art - Drawing Familes
Reception #embraced drawing with some new materials this week, drawing their familes with fine liners and graphite sticks. We looked at the thick and thin lines that we could make.
Year 2 - Art - Printing Skills
Year 2 #enjoyed printing this week! We created small prints, experimenting with lines and shapes, ready to create our bigger printed piece.
Year 2 - RE - The Good Samaritan
Year 2 #enjoyed listening to the Christian story of The Good Samaritan. We looked at the importance of the story and how we could be kind and helpful to others, like the story suggests. We then worked in small groups to order and retell the story.
Year 1 - Art - Making Marks
Year 1 #embraced filling their pages with lots of marks in todays session. We looked at which materials gives us thin lines and which gives us thick lines. Lots of experimentation today!
Reception - Art - Self Portraits
Reception #enjoyed using paints to create their self portrait. We used thick and thin brushes for our faces.
Year 2 - Art - Mark Making
Year 2 #evolved their mark making skills, drawing buildings from our local city. We use fine liners and graphites to look at the lines and shapes we could see.
Year 5 - Art - Cogs and Gears
Loving the colours that Year 5 have chosen for their final pieces this half term! Yesterday, we #enjoyed working on our composition and layering skills! ⚙️
Year 2 - Art - Tonal Landscapes
This week, Year 2 have been exploring their drawing skills, and starting to apply tone to create forms in the local landscapes.
Year 5 - Art - Using Stencils
Year 5 #enjoyed exploring stencils today, looking at cogs, gears and chains. Today we explored tone by layering outlines creating an explorative page in our sketchbooks.
Year 3 - DT - Exploring Mechanisms
This week, Year 3 have been exploring different types of mechanisms. We reflected on some we learned in Year 1 and then #evolved our learning, looking at different ways to make things move.