Reception - Art - Resist Drawing
Reception have #enjoyed creating resist drawing today, using the story The Rainbow Fish for inspiration. We used oil pastels to draw our fish, and loved watching the ‘magic lines’ appear when we added the paint.
Year 2 - Art - Inspired by Keith Haring
Year 2 #enjoyed painting today, creating pieces inspired by Keith Haring. We discussed his work’s characteristics and started to develop our own bright, happy paintings.
Year 6 - Art - Cubist Still Life
Year 6 have #embraced painting their cubist still life that they drew last week. Using bright colour palettes, we have even used some complementary colours. We can’t wait to finish theses next week.
Year 5 - Art - Creating Land Art
Year 5 #embraced working in our school environment to create their own land art, inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. Collecting moss, leaves or sticks, our imaginations ran wild leading to some very exciting land art pieces.
Year 4 - Art - Achieving Tonal Shades
Year 4 have been developing their tonal drawing skills over the past few weeks, understanding that by adding pressure we can achieve a different value of colour.
Year 5 - Art - Tonal Leaf Drawings
Year 5 have been #evolving their drawings skills, by upleveling their tonal drawings skills. We looked at the values we can get from our drawings pencils by applying different types of pressure. When then had a go at transferring our skills to transform our leaf line drawings.
Year 6 - Art - Continuous Line Drawing
Year 6 have been #evolving their drawing skills during our new topic, and learning new techniques. We have been developing our continuous line drawings and working on size, shape and detail.
Year 4 - Division Fun!
Year 4 have #embraced using the place value counters for division this morning. Maths We partitioned the digits and even exchanged!
Year 4 - DT - Making Torches
Year 4 have #embraced their making skills by using their designs to make their torch prototypes. We attached our switches, ensuring that the circuit will complete and also added handles and other design features. They can't wait to house their circuits next week to test their designs!
Year 3 - Art - Ammonite Drawings
This week, Year 3 have #evolved their tonal drawing skills, creating an atmospheric background ready to add in their mixed media ammonites. Year 3 are so excited to show their pieces in our Art Exhibition.
Reception - DT - Modelling Dinosaurs
Reception - DT - Modelling Dinosaurs
Reception have been #embracing working with Plasticine to create their very own Dinosaur models. We looked at the different ways we can manipulate plasticine by rolling, pinching and adding other pieces on. Some amazing models created!
Reception - DT - Modelling…
Year 4 - DT - Designing Torches
Year 4 #enjoyed using their scientific learning to support their new DT topic. We started to design our own torches, planning where the circuit will fit and incorporating all the features of a torch.