Image of Year 3 - Art - Line Drawings
15 November 2022

Year 3 - Art - Line Drawings

Year 3 #embraced line drawings this week by looking at the shapes found in fossils. We looked at different types of line to portray our fossils and then started to add in some tone to make the fossil come to life. 

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Image of Reception - Art - Patterned Pumpkins
3 November 2022

Reception - Art - Patterned Pumpkins

Reception #enjoyed adding patterns to their pumpkins, in the style of the artist Yayoi Kusama. We worked on our cutting skills and added patterns using different sized dots. 

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Image of Year 4 - DT - Exploring Existing Products
2 November 2022

Year 4 - DT - Exploring Existing Products

Year 4 loved their first DT lesson in The Studio today! We are going to be exploring electrical systems in making our own torches. Today we #enjoyed looked at the features of a torch, so we know what needs to be included in our own.

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Image of Year 3 - Art - Artist Research in The Studio!
2 November 2022

Year 3 - Art - Artist Research in The Studio!

Year 3 were so excited to experience their first Art lesson in The Studio! We #enjoyed looking at our new artist, and learning more about them. We then created so great explorative pages in our Sketchbooks, looking at our artist in more detail! ⭐️

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Image of Reception - Art - Autumn Painting
20 October 2022

Reception - Art - Autumn Painting

Reception have #evolved their painting skills today, choosing the correct sized brushes for their paintings. We used warm colours to add leaves to the trees.


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Image of Reception - Art - Autumn Collage
17 October 2022

Reception - Art - Autumn Collage

Reception #embraced creating autumn collages last week. They layered leaves of different colours to create their autumn tree collage. 

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Image of Year 6 - DT - Sawing Techniques
11 October 2022

Year 6 - DT - Sawing Techniques

Year 6 #embraced their engineering skills further in our last session. We continue working on our simple structures, while some of us took it a little further developing their sawing techniques

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Image of Year 3 - DT - Castle Construction
11 October 2022

Year 3 - DT - Castle Construction

In todays DT session, we reflected on our materials, and if cardboard was the best material to construct a castle with. We found it very hard to cut and not easy to form the shapes. We then started our final castles with a material that was easier to construct with. They #enjoyed creating their…

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Image of Reception - Art - Autumn Leaf Printing
5 October 2022

Reception - Art - Autumn Leaf Printing

Reception have been #enjoying creating some autumn leaf prints this morning. We painted the leaves to print the patterns we could see in the warm, autumn leaves. 

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Image of Year 6 - DT - Exploring Sawing Techniques
3 October 2022

Year 6 - DT - Exploring Sawing Techniques

Year 6  #embraced their engineering skills further in our last session. We continue working on our simple structures, while sone of us moved on to explore sawing techniques. 

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Image of Year 1 - Art - Photo Collage
3 October 2022

Year 1 - Art - Photo Collage

Year 1 have #embraced some collaging skills, breaking up our faces into new pieces and taking inspiration from Pablo Picasso by layering them down in different places. 

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Image of Year 2 - Art - Etching Prints
26 September 2022

Year 2 - Art - Etching Prints

Year 2 have been experimenting with perspectives of buildings on a street. We looked at buildings closer to us appearing larger and as they get further away the buildings appear smaller. We started to etch our streets onto printing foam, ready to print in our next session. 

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