Image of Art - Year 4 - Roman Mosaics
15 September 2022

Art - Year 4 - Roman Mosaics

 In today’s art session, Year 4 explored Roman Mosaics. We looked at how they were made and the patterns used. We even found out that one was only discovered a year ago in the UK! We then compared the mosaics to our artist, looking at what was the same and what was different. Year 4 #enjoyed…

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Image of DT - Year 6 - Features of a Bird Hide
15 September 2022

DT - Year 6 - Features of a Bird Hide

This term, Year 6 are #embracing woodwork, by exploring temporary structures. We explored the features of a bird hide, looking at the features needed. We then explored our creative ideas, and drew their idea of a bird hide, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the designs.

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Image of Art - Year 2 - Lucy Jones
15 September 2022

Art - Year 2 - Lucy Jones

Year 2 are #embracing the art work of Lucy Jones this term. In our first session, we looked at the colours and lines that she uses and created artist pages for our sketchbooks.

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Image of Art - Reception - Self Portraits
15 September 2022

Art - Reception - Self Portraits

Reception have been #enjoying painting their self portraits. We used different sizes paintbrushes, and looked at the colours and shapes of our facial features. 

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Image of Art - Year 5 - Ron Magnes
15 September 2022

Art - Year 5 - Ron Magnes

Year 5 #embraced Pop Art this week, looking at the artist Ron Magnes. We looked at the bright, vibrant colours in his work, and how he adds details with spots and lines. We then expressed our interest over in our sketchbooks, creating some very detailed artist responses. 


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Image of DT - Year 3 - Designing a Castle
15 September 2022

DT - Year 3 - Designing a Castle

This week, Year 3 have been #enjoying designing their own castle. Using our understanding of Castle features, we could label the different parts and discuss what materials we might need to make our castles. 


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Image of Art - Year 1 - Pablo Picasso
15 September 2022

Art - Year 1 - Pablo Picasso

 Year 1 #embraced learning about the artist Pablo Picasso this morning. We looked at the shapes in his work and decided which ones were our favourite and why. The children then created their first sketchbook page, exploring the colours and shapes in his work.


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Image of Art - Year 4 - Harry Thubron
15 September 2022

Art - Year 4 - Harry Thubron

What a wonderful first Art session! Year 4 #embraced our new artist, and enjoyed exploring his work. We discussed what materials he used, and how he assembled his mixed-media collages. We can’t wait to explore collages further in the next few weeks.


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Image of Year 6 - DT Day!
24 June 2022

Year 6 - DT Day!

Today, Year 6 have #embraced our DT Day! We started off designing a nightlight inspired by Under the Sea. Year 6 learnt how to use a saw to create the wooden frame for their nightlight. We then decorated the side panels and assessed how well it would work as a nightlight for a young child, or as a…

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Image of Year 5 - Packaging!
15 June 2022

Year 5 - Packaging!

Year 4 have #embraced working with mixed media this term, creating colourful, vibrant final pieces inspired by packaging. These will be great for our next display! 

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Image of Year 3 - Freeze Frame!
10 June 2022

Year 3 - Freeze Frame!

Today, Year 3 #enjoyed re-enacting the moment a character would fall into a rough, choppy sea. We looked at the characters thoughts and feeling during this time too. #strikeapose


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Image of Year 5 - Mixed Media
8 June 2022

Year 5 - Mixed Media

Year 5 have #enjoyed developing their mixed media pieces today. We have applied texture, oil pastel and watercolour to give our work depth and tone.

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