Year 5 - Painting with tone
Year 5 are #enjoying applying watercolours to their collage. We have working on using tone to add depth to our composition. We can’t wait to add some texture in our next session.
Year 3 - Patterns and Shapes
This week, Year 3 have been using different materials to create the patterns and shapes they observed in Greek Pottery. We used cardboard, black card and art straws to create and patterns and shapes, gathering an understand of what we can create with them.
Year 3 - Exploring Geometric Shapes
This week, Year 3 have been exploring the geometric shapes found in Ancient Greek vases. We looked at the different types of line used to show the shapes and patterns. Following this, we had a go at creating our own patterns and shapes using fine liners, pencil and graphite.
Year 4 - Au Cafè French Day
Year 4 loved this terms French day, exploring the food and drink items in a Cafe. We #evolved our accents and played lots of games to learn the new vocabulary.
Year 4 - Making a Book Sleeve
In DT, Year 4 have #embraced the new skill of sewing. Using a running stitch, we have turned bits of material into our own Book Sleeves!
Year 3 - Strawberry Milkshake!
Since learning about how to grow strawberries, Year 3 #enjoyed taste testing a fresh Strawberry Milkshake.
Year 4 - Exploring Circuit Symbols
Year 4 have #enjoyed experimenting with different circuits and exploring how to draw the circuits using the scientific symbols.
Year 4 - Ukraine Ribbon Flag
Today, Year 4 #enjoyed a trip to the front of school to help show their support for Ukraine!
Year 5 - Sewing Skills!
Year 5 #embraced the skills of pinning and sewing this afternoon! We can’t wait to see how our toolbelts come together over the next few weeks.
Year 4 - Fractions Fun!
Year 4 have been working incredibly hard in Maths this week! We have been #embracing Fractions, and are #enjoying applying all of our new learning!
Year 4 - Designing a Book Sleeve
Year 4 are #enjoying creating designs for their book sleeves this week. We have chosen which fastening we will use and how we can make it link to our themes.
Year 3 - Planting an Edible Herb Garden
This week, Year 3 #enjoyed creating their own Edible Herb Pots. We planted a selection of Herb seeds and can’t wait to take them home to create our own Edible Gardens.