Year 5 - Making Toolbelt Prototypes
This week, Year 5 #evolved their toolbelt designs and starting making paper prototypes. We looked at the size, shape and how we would need to put together our final pieces.
Year 4 - Football with Mr Paterson
Our girls loved their football session with Mr Paterson today! We #enjoyed developing our football skills and #embraced applying theses skills to different games. Thank you, Mr Paterson!
Year 4 - World Book Day 2022
Oh what fun! Year 4 #enjoyed this years World Book Day theme, exploring the pages of the book, writing descriptions of the Cheshire Cat and creating some wax resit artwork.
Year 4 - Self-Identity - Arts and Culture Day
Today, Year 4 #embraced our Self-Identity Arts and Culture Day! They loved exploring the illustrator Vanessa Brantley-Newton, and her collage works. We created some painted surfaces, collected pages from magazines, and collaged them all together to create our own Self-Identity collage. We then…
Year 4 - Safer Internet Day 2022
Today, Year 4 worked really hard to #embrace our Safter Internet Day. We looked at the use of respect online, and how we should deal with a situation when playing with someone who has been disrespectful. We also looked at the use of Avatars and Usernames, in the important of keeping our personal…
Year 4 - Fun in PE!
Today, Year 4 #evolved their jumping skills and completes lots of little activities. We practiced jumping in lots of different ways, had races and also tested how quickly we can jump.
Year 3 - Making our sculptures
Year 3 have #embraced the making stage of our sculptures this week. We can’t wait for them to dry so we can add more detail.
Year 4 - Mono-Printing Skills
Year 4 have really #enjoyed working with ink and rollers to create their mono-prints this week. We then used fabrics to print onto, and have started to build up the tones and textures with paints and inks.
Year 4 - Exploring with Ink
In Art this week, Year 4 #embraced drawing with ink. We explored using the ink by experimenting with different drawing materials, producing a variety of different lines.
Year 3 - Food, Food, Food!
Year 3 have #embraced our drawing lesson this week, using bold, bright colours to represent food items. We have #enjoyed drawing some of our favourite foods, ready to start our sculptures next week.
Year 4 - Working on Times Tables
This week, Year 4 have been #evolving their representation of some times tables. We have explored many ways that we can represent some number sentences.
Year 4 - Experimenting with Tones and Shades
Year 4 #evolved their staying skills today by focusing on the skills of adding tone to their drawings. We used the elements of fire and water to look at, identifying the shades and tones they could see within the pictures. We then experimented with adding tone with oil pastels to create a movement…