Y6 Protractor Work
Year Six were fascinated by protractors when they measured and drew angles accurately! Every head was down...in a good way!
Y6 Reading Rangers
Look at that face! Another Year Six has 'unwrapped' a mystery book from our Reading Rangers challenge! 20 reads gets you a mystery book!
Year Six Gymnastics
Year Six practiced their match and mirror balances! Our skills are developing nicely!
Year Six EcoHeadz
Year Six really enjoyed their EcoHeadz session with Andy - discussing climate change, human impact on the environment and the effects of deforestation. We also loved the augmented reality activities, which brought these issues to life!
Year Six Maths
Year Six recapped their knowledge of angles, today - identifying and naming different types of angles. We then measured angles in the afternoon using protractors! Catching up on our learning with smiles along the way...
Year 6 crack on with collage!
Year Six have been working on their collage piece by creating a newspaper background, ready for adding their portrait work to...
Year Six on Zoom!
Year Six spent some time on Zoom with Lathom High School to learn all about life at Lathom! We asked some great questions and got a feel for what High School is like! Thanks Lathom...
Year 6 loving PE!
Year Six loved their gymnastics lesson! Methods of travel and controlling their balances :)
Year Six become illustrators!
Year Six became illustrators, today, when we studied Quentin Blake and his unique illustrative style! We copied his style and his illustration to mimic his work, before we attempt to draw ourselves using his style.
First Week back in Year 6!
Well it's like we've never been away! Y6 have done ALL SORTS in week one, including: loads of reading, spelling, maths, handwriting, artwork and even photography! We finished off the week by preparing for our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory week, in week two.
Check out what we've been up to…