Year 3 - UK Parliament Week
Year 3 enjoyed learning all about the UK Parliament. They went on a virtual tour, learnt about debates and how voting takes place to pass new laws. They also enjoyed a game of Parliament bingo. They now know that the King, President or Emperor is not running our country! During day 2, Year 3…
Year 3 - The Gunpowder Plot
Year 3 enjoyed finding out all about the Gunpowder Plot. At first we looked at a range of sources to see what we could find out. We then used these to help piece together the events of what happened in the run up to the 5th November 1605. We then sequenced the events and wrote our own…
Year 3 Halloween Disco
Spooky goings on in Year 3 as they enjoyed dressing up for Halloween Day. They loved their Halloween disco. Such a great effort with all the costumes.
ArtsMark Day in Year 3
What a wonderful morning in Year 3 on our ArtsMark Day. We looked at the artist, Umberto Boccioni, and then worked in his style to create a fireworks picture.
First we had to make a collage of fireworks pictures and then draw our picture.
We then painted our drawings using watercolours.…
Loving our first French Day in Year 3
Year 3 loved their first French day and worked so hard to learn words in French. We learnt to count to 10, say hello and goodbye, classroom instructions and how to answer, How are you ?, in French. We enjoyed games, songs and even writing in French.
Year 3 Black History 2021
Year 3 really enjoyed an introduction into Black History. We chatted about what it is, about the past and an introduction to Mary Seacole. Very sensible comments were given, well done! We ended with some children dancing to a song about black people changing the world.
The children were good…
Whole Class Reading in Year 3
Year 3 are enjoying their Whole Class Reading based on The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.
Today we read more of the story and read the description of the house of flowers that the wolves built. We then had to use our prediction and inference skills to draw what we thought the house…
Handwriting heroes in Year 3
We are so impressed with how hard Year 3 are working in their handwriting groups. We are trying so hard to form our letters correctly and learn our joins.
Improving music skills in Year 3
Year 3 are enjoying their music lessons. They have learnt to play more notes on the glockenspiels and love to sing along to the warm up activities and the song we have learnt, "Home is Where the Heart is!"
Now Press Play - Mental Health - Year 3
Year 3 enjoyed their Now Press Play experience on Mental Health. We certainly went through the full range of emotions as we followed along with the story. We learnt to talk to family/teachers if we have any worries or are unhappy.
Year 3 loved the October sun
What a wonderful day it was today!
Year 3 loved outdoor play today in the sun!!! Long may it continue.
Year 3 - Mixed Media Fossils
Year 3 have started work on their final fossils piece this week. We have #embraced all the different techniques we have learned to start our mixed media piece.