Comic Book Creations taking shape
Year 3 are loving learning how to make their own comics. This week we learnt how to add in narration, speech bubbles, thought bubbles and words. Now we know how to use all the tools, we have started to design our own comic books. Hopefully have some finished comics by next week.
Writing what happened next to the Big Bad Wolf #independentwriting
Year 3 have been busy this week as they have planned and then written the continuation of our story, The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. They are so proud of their writing about what happened next to the Big Bad Wolf.
Year 3 - Printing Fossils
Year 3 #evolved their printing skills even further today, turning their drawings into amazing, creative prints. We worked on our observational skills by drawing the fossils we could see. We then used safe print to engrave our drawings ready to print.
Loving Maths Whizz and TT Rockstars in Year 3
Year 3 love to start their day with Maths Whizz and TT Rockstars. It really helps to develop maths skills.
Year 3 - Monoprinting with Oil Pastels
Year 3 have #enjoyed working on a new printing method today, using fossils as the main theme. We worked with the medium of oil pastels to create a Monoprint of their drawing.
Year 3 - Comic Creation in Computing
Comic Creation was all the rage in Year 3 as children learnt how to use the Make Beliefs Comix website to begin to create their own comics. This week we learnt how to add backgrounds and characters to the different panels.
Year 3 enjoying outdoor PE in the sun
It was a perfect morning for outdoor PE with the sun already shining at 9am. Year 3 worked so hard on their throwing and catching skills and then used these skills in a fun game to end the lesson.
Year 3 - Mark Making
Year 3 have #embraced today’s art lesson, focusing on different types of line. We looked at a new artist who’s work is built up of different lines, showing that limes can be simple but effective.
Online Safety - How to have a balanced, healthy lifestyle
In our first Online Safety lesson, we talked about the good things we use technology for and how going online makes us feel. We then looked at how we could have a healthy balanced lifestyle by thinking about the positive and negative effects of activities, both online and offline. W know that too…
The Big Bad Wolf came to visit Year 3
Year 3 had a special visitor today.........The Big Bad Wolf........However we found out that he is really kind, caring and thoughtful and that what we know about the story is not true!!! We can't wait to get stuck into our new book in English, ' The True Story of the Three Little Pigs…
Year 3 trip to Chester Zoo
What an amazing day we had at Chester Zoo!!
We missed going to the zoo in July so on day 2 of Year 3, we went on a school trip!! We had so much fun seeing all the different animals. The chimpanzees were certainly a highlight of our day as well as the giraffes!!! It was a pity that the lions,…
A wonderful start to Year 3!
What a fantastic start to the year in Year 3!
The children have loved being back in school and seeing their friends again. They have settled in so well and enjoyed lots of fun activities in class.