Image of Year 1 - Overarm Throwing!
14 June 2021

Year 1 - Overarm Throwing!

Year 1 have been working on their throwing and catching skills this term! Today they focused on overarm throwing outside. The clouds looked like they were going to send rain our way but we were lucky! 

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Image of Year 1 - Playground fun!
11 June 2021

Year 1 - Playground fun!

We have loved playing in the sunshine with Poppy and the skipping ropes!

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Image of Year 1 - Making arrays!
27 May 2021

Year 1 - Making arrays!

The SWEETEST Maths lesson all week! Today we have been continuing our multiplication chapter by making arrays. Some fantastic quick counting using our key words 'row' and 'column' and the best part of all... MIDGET GEMS! 

I loved hearing all the fantastic vocabulary being used as we put our…

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25 May 2021

Year 1 - Super Speaking and Listening!

We're always working on improving our speaking and listening skills in Year 1! Today we role played ordering from a fast food restaurant, using eye contact, saying please and thank you, using full sentences and listening carefully to the order so we could make it!

The group did a fantastic job…

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Image of Year 1 - Grouping shapes!
13 May 2021

Year 1 - Grouping shapes!

Miss Webb just loved the teamwork she saw in Maths today in Year 1! Each table worked together to show off their shape knowledge - grouping objects either by shape, by colour or by shape properties! 

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Image of Year 1 - Rain dodging on the playground!
10 May 2021

Year 1 - Rain dodging on the playground!

The clouds were looming large but we managed to avoid the downpour and have a fantastic lunch time on the Adventure Playground! Year 1 have waited so patiently for their turn and had so much fun!


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Image of Year 1 - VE Day 2021
9 May 2021

Year 1 - VE Day 2021

We had such a fantastic day celebrating VE Day 2021! In Year 1 we looked at photographs of life during the war, and some images of VE Day celebrations! We noticed their happy expressions and discussed how they must have felt knowing the war was over! 

We were treated to a gorgeous 'street…

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Image of Year 1 - Jigsaw - Learning about greetings!
28 April 2021

Year 1 - Jigsaw - Learning about greetings!

This week in Jigsaw (PHSE), we have been thinking about greetings! Our important message was that we or our friends might not like being touched, hugged or having our hands held. We role played asking for permission to hug or hold hands, saying yes or no depending on how we felt! Finally, we…

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Image of Year 1 - Plants
14 April 2021

Year 1 - Plants

Year 1 have really enjoyed the start of their Plants topic in Science! We had a really close look at some beautiful Chrysanthemums before dissecting them to discover their structure! Using our key words, we sorted the plant into 4 different parts.

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Image of Year 1 - Spring time!
24 March 2021

Year 1 - Spring time!

Spring has sprung! Year 1 had a wonderful time in the sunshine spotting signs of Spring. New leaves on the trees, flowers popping up everywhere, bees buzzing around ready to pollinate! They sketched what they could see and used fantastic vocabulary to compare Spring to the 3 other seasons! 

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Image of Year 1 - Arctic explorers!
4 December 2020

Year 1 - Arctic explorers!

In History we have been learning all about EXPLORERS! After learning all about the Arctic regions in Geography, we then read an amazing book called 'The Great Explorer' by Chris Judge. In the book, a young boy goes to rescue his Dad by setting off to explore the North Pole! He tells us all about…

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Image of Year 1 - Subtraction
3 December 2020

Year 1 - Subtraction

Year 1 have been working so hard on our new Maths concept - subtraction! We have enjoyed using cubes to practice taking away, and some of us have been writing subtraction questions for our friends to complete! 

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