Year 2 - Reading with friends!
This week has been a fantastic week for working together in Year 2! Reading with a partner is a super way to share stories and practicing working as a team. Year 2 are really cracking it!
Year 2 - Science investigation
Year 2 had a fantastic time investigating different materials this week!
Our key words were stretch, bend, twist and squash. We wanted to know which kinds of materials would change shape when we applied a force to them! Year 2 worked really carefully to record which objects could be squashed,…
Year 2 - Our Responsibilities
A gorgeous end to our first full week - starting with some Calm time with Jigsaw Jo then talking about our responsibilities as a class and as individuals!
Year 2 - On the hunt for materials!
We kicked off our science topic this week with a little recap of all the everyday materials we know from our previous learning! There were plenty of different materials to be found in our classroom. Before the Year 2 Scientists went to observe and explore, we made predictions as to which material…
Year 2 - First Days!
It has been a wonderful couple of days to kick off a brand new year at school! Year 2 have been catching up, working hard and playing hard together! #enjoy #evolve
Year 1 - Sports Day Events!
What a lovely sunny afternoon doing some Sports Day events on the field! Every Year 1 child put their all into every race and event and had a fantastic time doing it! Well done everybody!
Year 1 - End of Year Fun Day!
Year 1 have had an absolute blast at their Fun Day today! An amazing disco, a Zoom with illustrator Nick Sharratt, party games and a creepy crawly experience to top it off! Now I'm not sure everybody loved the tarantula but there was enough excitement today to make up for it!
Year 1 - Outdoor Fun with Poppy and Games!
Soaking up the sunshine with Poppy the dog and some lovely playtime games!
Year 1 - International Mud Day!
Year 1 had such a fantastic time making mud, doing some mud painting, jumping in muddy puddles and getting totally stuck into the Earth!
Year 1 - Sorting materials in Science
We were really impressed with Year 1's work with Materials today! They sorted objects into all sorts of different categories using properties of the materials we had explored! It's so wonderful seeing them soak up all that vocabulary and use it in learning!
Year 1 - Mini First Aid
Year 1 were so fantastic in their Mini First Aid session today!
Poor Teddy had been injured, but the amazing Natalie showed us just what to do when a friend or someone around us hurts themselves! We learned how to stop blood coming out of a wound, put a plaster on safely, when to use cold…