Year 1 History- Human Life Cycle
Today the children embraced learning about the human life cycle. We looked closely at my life and what I was like in the past, what I am like in the present and what I may be like in the future!
#enjoy #evolve
Year 1 Fun Phonics!
This afternoon the children enjoyed searching the woodland area for words to read using their phonic skills. We are working very hard on our RWI sounds, focusing on spotting the ‘special friends’ and ‘chatty friends’ in words.
Keep it up Year 1!
#enjoy .#embrace…
Year 1 Comparing Heights!
This week we have been exploring length and height. We #enjoyed seeing how tall we all are and comparing our height to our friends height. The children then explored building towers using the correct vocabulary to compare the heights!
#embrace #evolve
Year 1 Arts and Culture Day!
What a great start to the Summer term! We embraced all of the creative learning through a range of activities. The children explored the work of Frank Stella and Jackson Pollock. We took inspiration from their art work and used a range of textures to create our own masterpieces!
Year 1 Counting in 2s and 5s!
This week the children #embraced learning to count in 2s and 5s! We explored the outdoors to count in twos and #enjoyed counting our classroom objects in 5s and splatting the numbers on our 50 square grid!
They children were fantastic!
#enjoy #embrace…
Year 1 Lovely Handwriting!
We are working hard with our handwriting in Year 1. We have been looking at sitting our letters on the line and today we focused on our down letters, starting at the sun and going down to the boat. The children listen to the letter patters and then complete the formations. Check how well they are…
Year 1 Stranger Danger!
On Friday the children had a visit from the community police and PCSO. They learnt all about ‘Stranger Danger’ talking about what a stranger is and who we can go to to keep safe. The children learnt the emergency contact number and when to use it. We really #enjoyed trying on the police uniform,…
Year 1 RE Palm Sunday
In RE we are learning all about Palm Sunday and why Christians believe Jesus is specials. The children have learnt how Christians believed Jesus brought hope to many people when times were hard under the ruling of the Roman emperor Pontius Pilate. Many people believed he was the ‘Son of…
Year 1 Gymnastics!
The children have been working hard in gymnastics this half term. They have been exploring a range of different skills and it has been great to see how they are developing in this area. Some super balance and strength!
#enjoy #evolve
Year 1- Place Value to 50!
Some super partner work in maths last week! We are exploring numbers to 50 and the children worked together to find numbers on their 100 square grid.
#enjoy #evolve
Year 1 Waterproof or Not!
We love a science experiment in Year 1! This week we explored if different materials were waterproof or not. We learnt what happens when a material is waterproof and what happens if it’s not. The children learnt that some materials absorb water because they have tiny little holes in them. We could…
Year 1 World Book Day!
What a wonderful day we had stepping down the burrow into another dimension! The wonderful world of wonderland. Year 1 loved every moment making amazing memories.
#enjoy #wemakethedifference