Y1 World Book Day 2023
Year 1 have #enjoyed celebrating World Book Day today. We started the day making bookmarks and sharing our favourite stories and cuddly toys.
Delph Side hosted a mystery reader activity. The children had to choose a story book they liked the look of and go to a class in the school to hear it…
Geography Y1 Exploring the UK Activity
To help the children recall what countries make up the United Kingdom and the country’s flags and flowers, we played an active game outside on the playground. In four teams, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, we raced against each other to collect our country's flags and flowers. Miss…
Y1 Reading Corner
Just in time World Book Day tomorrow, the Year 1 teaching assistants have been revamping the class reading corner. Year 1 have #enjoyed exploring some new books and new genres. We have talked about how we need to care for the reading area and remember to put backs where we got them from.…
Exploring the World Year 1
Year 1 have been showing off their independent iPad skills this week. They were able to scan a QR code left on their desks after a Geography lesson this week to explore a new game. They hopped on Captain Carrot's ship and explored the world with Pirate Bunnies. They could earn treasures by…
Safer Internet Day 2023 Year 1
Today is Safer Internet Day around the WORLD! This year's theme is ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. We discussed our favourite things to do online, what apps we use and what smart devices we use at home and in school that use the internet. Miss Kinsella…
Y1 Children’s Mental Health Week
Today is the beginning of Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is Let’s Connect. Year 1 took part in an activity today to create a class jigsaw puzzle. During circle time, we shared our thoughts about what we think connects us all and what we care about. We then used these thoughts to…
Y1 Geography Map Skills and Directions
Year 1 have been exploring directions and map reading this week. We have been playing a game to become human compasses, pointing North, East, South and West. We created our own compasses with labels to help us remember and then worked in small teams to follow a set of directions across the the…
Maths, Maths and More Maths! Year 1
We may be mini in size but we are mighty mathematicians in Year One! This week we have worked tirelessly to recognise 2D and 3D shapes. We have fully #enjoyed using the feely bag to see if we can use the sense of touch to recognise shapes. We have been talking about how many different ways we can…
Year 1 DMP’s
Year 1 chose their class DMPs (Delph Side Member of Parliament) this afternoon! After a presentation about what this is all about and a discussion about things we would like to change or make even better in our school, votes were cast and the two successful candidates were voted in to…
Y1 Sharing News
In Year 1, we love talking about all the exciting things we get up to outside of school life. We celebrate new achievements and goals as well as positive experiences we may have had. Children bring in things they have created and would like to show off and parents/guardians send photographs for us…
Seasonal Changes Y1
This term, Y1 will be exploring Seasonal Changes during Science lessons. Today, we started the lesson listening to a story called Seren's Seasons. Seren can’t wait to put on her snow boots and build a snowgirl. She just needs to wait for the right season. This story has been linked to your Y1…
Dreams and Goals Jigsaw Year!
Happy New Year! Year 1 kicked of the first school day in 2023 sharing all their news from over the Christmas holidays. Everybody was keen to share what they had been doing and the special memories they have made over the past few weeks. This afternoon, we #enjoyed a new Jigsaw game that Jigsaw…