Pre School- Humpty Dumpty Maths
The children have been helping Humpty Dumpty to build a new wall. Humpty Dumpty asked them to build a wall using a certain amount of bricks, which they had to select from a large group of bricks. Some children were given number cards from Humpty Dumpty and they had to build walls }using the…
Pre School- Egg experiment
This week we have been learning about Humpty Dumpty. After discovering that all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put humpty together again, we decided that we needed to create something to protect him, just incase he fell off the wall again. We spoke about the different materials we…
Zones of regulation
Today we spoke about our feelings. Our teachers came into school dressed as a different emotion. We created our very own zones of regulation using the characters from the Inside out film. We spoke about scenarios that might make you feel happy, sad, angry and worried. We then made some sensory…
Incy Wincy Spider
This week we had a very unexpected visitor! We came to Pre School to find spider webs everywhere, who could it be? The children discussed who it might be, then found a huge spider in our pre school, "it's Incy Wincy!" they shouted. We have had lots of fun singing the nursery rhyme using props and…
Celebrating our differences and school values
This week we have been learning about our differences. We have been exploring new words to describe ourselves and how we might be feeling. We have used lots of natural resources to create portraits of ourselves. We have also been talking about our classroom rules and school values, Mr Potato head…
Making friends and finemotor fun!
Preschool have a lovely first full week back at School, they have loved getting to know their new friends. We have been talking about our families and how we are all different. The children worked hard to develop their hand muscles using a hole punch.
Beautiful manners!
During snack this morning, Mrs Brady could hear lots of please and thank yous! Parents/carers you should be so proud! Mrs Brady even heard children offering to help a friend who was struggling with theirs, WOW! #embrace #evolve #proud
Exploring our prewriting skills
The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring their prewriting skills. They used their pom poms to go in the direction of up, down, across and around, they then took these skills to the paper. They also enjoyed using their finger in the sand to create prewriting shaped patterns.
A wonderful start to Pre-school!
What a wonderful couple of days we have had in Preschool. The children have loved being back and have made lots of new friends already. We are very lucky to have some new little Delphsiders start at our School! #enjoy
Pre-School - A Lovely Morning!
Mrs Bentham loved her last morning with our little Delph Siders. We had so much fun; making hats, playing games, dancing and eating yummy cake!
#enjoy #embrace #wemakethedifference
Pre-School Celebration Day!
What a fantastic day we have had in Pre-School. The children have #embraced the creepy crawlies and were very brave holding each insect. We have also had lots of fun playing on the climbing equipment #enjoy!