Image of Year 4 - Making Circuits
16 September 2021

Year 4 - Making Circuits

Year 4 #enjoyed making circuits through Science today! We looked at what equipment we would need and the importance of the cell, pushing around the stored electricity. 


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Image of Year 5 - Observational Drawings
15 September 2021

Year 5 - Observational Drawings

Year 5 #enjoyed improving our drawing through memory and observation. We worked on our Mark-marking and continuous line to draw houses of different size and shape. 

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Image of Year 4 - Computing
15 September 2021

Year 4 - Computing

This week, Year 4 discussed how spending time online can effect us physically and emotionally. We looked at how that sometimes it is OK, depending on the activity. The children sorted through scenarios to see if it was OK or too long. 

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Image of Year 3 - Mark Making
14 September 2021

Year 3 - Mark Making

Year 3 have #embraced today’s art lesson, focusing on different types of line. We looked at a new artist who’s work is built up of different lines, showing that limes can be simple but effective. 


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Image of Year 4 - #Embracing Maths
10 September 2021

Year 4 - #Embracing Maths

Year 4 are really #enjoying our Year 4 maths this week! 


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Image of Year 4 - Self Portraits
8 September 2021

Year 4 - Self Portraits

Today, Year 4 #embraced 2 new art techniques to create their self portraits. Firstly, worked on simple line drawings to make very effective pieces. Next, we got a little messier and worked as printmakers to develop our skills further. Lots of #enjoyment and some great work produced! 

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Image of Year 4 - Trip to Chester Zoo
3 September 2021

Year 4 - Trip to Chester Zoo

Year 4 have had a jam-packed day at Chester Zoo! We walked around lots of the exhibits and had lots of fun seeing all the animals. Some groups #enjoyed watching the elephants bathe and others #embraced viewing the penguins and watching them swim. Such a great day for our first few days in Year…

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Image of Year 4 - Abstract Art
2 July 2021

Year 4 - Abstract Art

Year 4 have #enjoyed looking at the artist Alan Davie and exploring throughout various media. We have looked at use of colour, painting techniques and adding depth to our work. 


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Image of Year 4 - International Mud Day!
29 June 2021

Year 4 - International Mud Day!

Year 4 fully #embraced International Mud Day! We loved getting our hands and faces dirty, becoming one with nature!

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Image of Year 6 - Identity Art
25 June 2021

Year 6 - Identity Art

Year 6 have #embraced using tones and shades to create some identify artwork. 


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Image of Year 4 - First Aid Training
15 June 2021

Year 4 - First Aid Training

Today, Year 4 had the amazing opportunity to be trained in First Aid. We learned at skill of giving CPR and helping people who might be choking. Fantastic life skills to take with us! 

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Image of Year 4 - Nutrients
11 June 2021

Year 4 - Nutrients

Year 4 #enjoyed learning about all the nutrients we as humans need through our new science topic. 


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