Year 4 Science - Making Cornflour Slime
Today, we started our new Science topic of Solids, Liquids and Gases. We looked at the properties of each states of matter and learned about the difference in atoms.
We then investigated what happens when some solids and liquids are mixed. The children mixed together cornflour and water and…
Year 4 - St George's Day
As part of our Arts and Culture day, we have #embraced new ways of working through the theme of St George's Day.
Through felting, we #enjoyed creating visual arts with materials, creating their own felt art from scratch.
In Drama, we took on the challenge of acting out a dramatic…
Year 4 French Tasting
As part of today's French day, Year 4 learned about saying different types of activities in French. We also learned to have a conversation about our families, introducing them and telling people what they are called.
At the end of the day we had a little tasting of some French pastries such as…
Year 4 - Maths
This week, Year 4 have #embraced the challenge of Time. We have been converting hours into minutes, minutes into seconds, years into months and weeks into days.
We have really #evolved our understanding of time and #enjoyed converting between the different forms.
Year 4 Outdoor Adventure at the Beacon
Once again, Year 4 had a great time on this terms Outdoor Learning Adventure. This time we had a lovely walk up to the Beacon to work in a natural environment.
Our focus for this adventure was 'communication'. We discussed the importance of it and what features made it effective. We #enjoyed…
Today, Year 4 have #enjoyed using ‘Google Maps’ to research the region of Tuscany. We first looked at the placed that made up the region, finding that Florence is the Capital city. Here we #evolved our mapping skills by looking for human and physical features of the area. We have had great fun…
Year 4 - Biology Day
Today Year 4 #embraced the idea of healthy living, through exercise and healthy eating.
We took part in 2 different exercise techniques, both Yoga and Aerobics. We learned that although our hearts didn't beat as fast when doing Yoga it is still classed as exercise. We #enjoyed taking part in…
Year 4 Reading Workshop
Today, Year 4 has a visitor from the School Library System. We took part in different reading activities and discussed our favourite books. We also listened to a couple of books and took part in quizzes. Year 4 really enjoyed dressing up Miss Breckell and Miss France to look like Mr and Mrs Twit,…
Year 4 - Become an Astronaut Day
Today Year 4 #embraced the journey to space through VR headsets. We went on an adventure around our solar system looking at the planets around us, looking at the speed in which they move and how big they are in relation to our planet, Earth.
The children thoroughly #enjoyed the experience and…
Year 4 - Chemistry Day
As part of Chemistry day, Year 4 have been looking at chemical reactions that happen on a day to day basis. We looked at reversible and irreversible changes that can happen in food. We really #evolved our learning, looking at the changes of state.
We we learned about irreversible changes…
Year 4 - Physics/Engineering Day
Some budding scientists have been spotted today in Year 4. As part of engineering day, we have been looking at the role of gravity and air resistance. Year 4 have really #enjoyed today's challenge. We made parachutes to investigate whether the size of the parachute would impact the amount of air…
Year 4 - World Book Day
Wow! What an end to a great week!
Our World Book Day started off with taking a look at our book, Bee and Me. We commentated the story and talked about what happened. We then did some anazing work based on the characters, the bees-eye view and also writing a thank you letter to the little girl…