Year 2 EcoHeadz
Year 2 really enjoyed their first session of the EcoHeadz project with Healthy Minds UK. Super group work as we learnt about what our environment is, global warming, climate change and mental health. We had to find different things on the globe, e.g somewhere hot, cold, that gives of pollution and…
We ended our week with an outdoor Jigsaw lesson in the ☀️. We played a belonging game to find other children with the same number as us before meeting Jigsaw Jo. We talked about what could be making Jigsaw worried and how we could help.
Science - Materials
This afternoon Year 2 went on an outdoor hunt to investigate what different materials object were made of. They had to take a photograph and add it to the correct box on a Seesaw activity by deciding if it was made of metal, plastic, glass or wood
Willy Wonka STEM Challenge
An exciting end to our Roald Dahl theme week with a STEM challenge to build a tower out of jelly tots and cocktail sticks! Great teamwork and concentration from all. We had a blast!
Oompa Loompa Cake
Year 2 had great fun this afternoon as they imagined what it would be like to work at the Chocolate Factory. They enjoyed making Oompa Loompa cake and made sure they got a good taste of the chocolate!
Willy Wonka character drawing.
Year 2 had a great afternoon with some Willy Wonka art. They had a go at their own drawings then followed Quentin Blake to learn how to try him. Amazing results. ✅. So impressed
Designing a chewing fun meal
Year 2 enjoyed today’s English lesson where they watched clips of the chewing gum meal from both movies and then designed their own meals. Great work!
First week back in Year 2
We have been so impressed with how well the children in Year 2 have settled back into school life!
Year 2 bubble enjoying their bubbles
Year 2 children have settled back to school so well into their "Year 2 bubble". It has been so nice to see them enjoy seeing their friends and having fun together. The children had great fun playing with the bubbles together in their new bubble.
Our new English unit is on Riddles. We enjoyed reading the clues to try and solve the riddles. We can’t wait to write our own.
Sports Relief Mile a Day
Sports Relief Day in Year 2. A quick run in the sun before lunch to build up our appetite. Look at the determination on those faces to complete the mile.
World Book Day
Year 2 loved our Harry Potter themed World Book Day. We were engrossed in watching parts of the film before getting our tickets for the Hogwarts Express. We then enjoyed designing our own fictional character. After lunch in the Great Hall, we enjoyed some close up magic from Dan. We couldn’t…