Designing a chewing fun meal
Year 2 enjoyed today’s English lesson where they watched clips of the chewing gum meal from both movies and then designed their own meals. Great work!
First week back in Year 2
We have been so impressed with how well the children in Year 2 have settled back into school life!
Year 2 bubble enjoying their bubbles
Year 2 children have settled back to school so well into their "Year 2 bubble". It has been so nice to see them enjoy seeing their friends and having fun together. The children had great fun playing with the bubbles together in their new bubble.
Our new English unit is on Riddles. We enjoyed reading the clues to try and solve the riddles. We can’t wait to write our own.
Sports Relief Mile a Day
Sports Relief Day in Year 2. A quick run in the sun before lunch to build up our appetite. Look at the determination on those faces to complete the mile.
World Book Day
Year 2 loved our Harry Potter themed World Book Day. We were engrossed in watching parts of the film before getting our tickets for the Hogwarts Express. We then enjoyed designing our own fictional character. After lunch in the Great Hall, we enjoyed some close up magic from Dan. We couldn’t…
World Book Day 2020
Year 6 have had a great World Book Day 2020! Everyone got in to the swing of things dressing up, making butter beer and designing Marauders Maps #enjoy
Figure Sculptures
Year 2 completed their art work with by becoming sculptors. They worked in the style of Keith Haring to design their own figure out of plasticine.
Runway Visitor Park
What an amazing trip to Runway Visitor Park at Manchester airport So much to see and do!
We loved watching the planes take off and land, especially the double decker plane,( A380) and getting to see Concorde. A hlghlight of the day was becoming a pilot and a flight engineer to imagine what it…
Keith Haring Art
Year 2 have enjoyed learning about the work of the artist and sculptor Keith Haring. They have explored examples of his work and produced some of their own figure drawings in his style.
Outdoor Learning
What a great way to end the half term with an outdoor learning session! We had to imagine we were a space tourist, from Bob the Man on the Moon, and make a shelter to spend the night on the moon. We had to work as a team to design and build our shelter! We #enjoyed being outdoors and #embraced the…
Drawing figures
Today Year 2 worked on their drawing skills. Firstly we had a go at drawing humans. We then looked at the importance of 'structure' in art and watched some videos to help us draw figures, using shading to create different tones.