World Book Day 2020
Year 6 have had a great World Book Day 2020! Everyone got in to the swing of things dressing up, making butter beer and designing Marauders Maps #enjoy
Figure Sculptures
Year 2 completed their art work with by becoming sculptors. They worked in the style of Keith Haring to design their own figure out of plasticine.
Runway Visitor Park
What an amazing trip to Runway Visitor Park at Manchester airport So much to see and do!
We loved watching the planes take off and land, especially the double decker plane,( A380) and getting to see Concorde. A hlghlight of the day was becoming a pilot and a flight engineer to imagine what it…
Keith Haring Art
Year 2 have enjoyed learning about the work of the artist and sculptor Keith Haring. They have explored examples of his work and produced some of their own figure drawings in his style.
Outdoor Learning
What a great way to end the half term with an outdoor learning session! We had to imagine we were a space tourist, from Bob the Man on the Moon, and make a shelter to spend the night on the moon. We had to work as a team to design and build our shelter! We #enjoyed being outdoors and #embraced the…
Drawing figures
Today Year 2 worked on their drawing skills. Firstly we had a go at drawing humans. We then looked at the importance of 'structure' in art and watched some videos to help us draw figures, using shading to create different tones.
Safer Internet Day 2020
In Year 2 we focused on what our identify is i.e the things that make you...YOU. We learnt that what you online forms part of your identity too. We thought about what the things we enjoy most, offline and online, and the types of things suitable to share online. We know it is important to keep…
English - The Man on the Moon
In English we are reading the Man on the Moon. Today we were working on comprehension and had to find and underline the answers to help us answer True and False questions.
Year 2 - Australia Day
Year 2 enjoyed learning more about Australia this afternoon. Linked to our Geography work, we located Australia on the map and reminded ourselves of the oceans surrounding it. We then looked at its landscape, climate and located some cities. We learnt about the recent bushfires and the role of the…
Year 2 loved a journey into space as they visited the Planetarium. We stepped inside and were taken on a journey around the Solar System and learnt lots of facts about the different planets. We also joined Neil Armstrong on his mission to be the first man on the moon.
Healthy Minds UK
Year 2 enjoyed their second Healthy Minds UK session. We started with a game where we had to work together to pass the hoop round the circle and then had to spot the differences in the pictures by talking to each other. We talked about asking people "How are you?" as it is good for your mental…
We started off the new term with geography lessons to learn the continents and oceans of the world. We looked at a globe and learn that the world was a sphere and that it is made up of land and water. We used atlases to help us locate the continents and oceans on the world map. We also listened to…