Faith Week in Year 2 - Hinduism and Islam
As part of Faith Week, we had a workshop on Hinduism. We enjoyed learning about it means to a Hindu and how their beliefs differ to ours.
We enjoyed learning about Islam and the different artefacts, including a prayer mat and the Quaran.
Settling in well in our 2 year room
Our youngest Delph Siders are settling into school so well. They are loving the activities both indoors and outdoors, especially the painting!
Mellors Big Red Bus
Our smallest Delph Siders enjoyed their lunch on the Mellors Big Red Bus!
International Dot Day
Year 2 #enjoyed International Dot Day! We #embraced the new challenges to create our own dot, making marks and seeing where they can take us. We mixed our own colours using water colours and then added detail using felt tips. We were so pleased with our finished creations. What super…
Mellors Big Red Bus
Year 2 enjoyed their lunch on board the Mellors Big Red Bus.
Handwriting and Maths
A busy week in Year 2. We have been working hard on our handwriting to form our letters correctly. In Maths we have been learning about Place Value and how to partition numbers into tens and ones.
Apollo 11 Day
Year 2 enjoyed our Apollo 11 theme day. We became historians to see what we could find out about the moon landing by looking at photos. We then learnt about Neil Armstrong and sequenced a timeline of his life. In the afternoon we found out more about the Apollo 11 mission and the moon walk and…
Day 1 in our 2 year old provision
Today was the big day! After much hard work and anticipation, Delph Side now welcomes 2 year olds!
First Day Back
What a great first day back in Year 2! We enjoyed seeing our friends again after the summer hoiidays and exploring our new clasroom. We also had our first English, Maths and Spelling lessons.