Image of Outdoor Learning - Teamwork
18 July 2019

Outdoor Learning - Teamwork

What a way to the end the school year in Year 2! We enjoyed a morning outdoors starting with some teamwork games on the playground. These were great fun! We then listening to the start of the story of the Lighthouse Keeper's Cat and had to build a shelter for Hamish the cat. Look at our finished…

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Image of Transition to Year 2
16 July 2019

Transition to Year 2

Year 1 children have enjoyed their first 2 days as Year 2 to be! They have had chance to talk about themselves during circle time, draw and write about their family and a highlight so far to make Forky from Toy Story! They have also learnt how to add drawings and photos to Seesaw. #enjoy…

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Image of Aspirations Week
8 July 2019

Aspirations Week

We had a hoped that a grafitti artist would visit school. This was not possible so we had a go at some art anyway, with our own Mrs Couch!


Year 2 enjoyed dressing up for the end of our aspirations week as a job they would like to be when they get older. They also enjoyed a visit from…

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Image of Aspirations Week
4 July 2019

Aspirations Week

Day 2

Today we went on a visit to Fylde Fish Bar, in Burscough, to learn about working in a fish and chip shop. We found out about the different jobs that you can do there and also got to make our own homemade fishcakes. We enjoyed tasting them with some chips! We also learnt about the…

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Image of Aspirations Week - The Prison Service
1 July 2019

Aspirations Week - The Prison Service

Year 2 enjoyed the first day of aspirations week. They talked about the jobs that they would like to do when they were older. A highlight of the day was meeting the Prison Service and learning about what they do. The children got to meet Alfie, the sniffer dog, who showed the children how he could…

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Image of Formby Beach
30 June 2019

Formby Beach

What an amazing day out at Formby Beach! 
In the words of the children, Year 2 enjoyed their "best school trip ever" on a sweltering hot day at Formby Beach. Children enjoyed collecting natural resources and then making a picture in the shaded Pinewoods. After lunch they enjoyed playing on the…

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