Making vehicles
Our DT project was to make a moving vehicle to be used on the moon. After investigating vehicles and learning what a chassis and axle were, we then designed our own vehicle choosing what materials we would need. It was great fun making the vehicles. If we had chosen a wooden axle, then had to…
Too much Selfie isn't Healthy (HeartSmart)
Year 2 have enjoyed their work on theme ' Too much Selfie isn't Healthy'. We talked about the people in our community and recognised the important work that they do as our Everyday Heroes. We also talked about being HeartSmart online is as important as it is on the…
Art work
Year 5, exploring the moon's surface through shade and texture, before starting to sculpt!
Mod-roc next week, before painting the final piece! -Mrs O #embrace #evolve
The Planetarium
Year 2 had a thrilling afternoon as we finally got to go and visit the Planetarium. The children loved every minute of the experience as we experienced Neil Armstrong landing on the moon and learnt about the planets our Solar System. We learnt a lot of new space facts.
Safer Internet Day
Nursery joined in with the whole school Safer Internet Day. The children loved meeting Zap and Zoom. We had a circle time discussing what the internet is and how to be safe on it. #Embrace
Week 5
Nursery have had a super week, they loved playing doctors and nurses and Mrs Bentham has been taken care of in the role play area. We are looking forward to learning all about the police force next week!
Safer Internet Day 2019
On Safer Internet Day we talked about what we liked to do on the Internet. We read a story about Zap and Zoom and learnt it was important to make the right choices online and that we should not share our personal information.
Outdoor learning
Year 3 had a brilliant afternoon taking part in their team building activities outside.
We are working hard on our handwriting and learning new joins. We are trying to hard to make sure our letters are the correct size. Check Seesaw for joins to work on at home.
There was a lot of excitement when it started snowing! Some of us braved the cold and went outdoors! There was even more excitement when we found out that school was closing for the afternoon so we got to go home to play out in the show.