Finding European countries
Year 3 have been on a European adventure in Geography as they have been hard at work locating different European countries on the map.
Enjoying a Yoga session in Year 3
Year 3 had a zen-tastic start to the day with an amazing yoga session. They were so relaxed and focused, setting them up for a productive day ahead.
Year 3 testing rocks
Year 3 are enjoying learning about rocks and today tested different rocks to see how hard they were, if they could float or sink and if they would react to acid. They enjoyed making observations and were surprised when pumice floated!!
Trip to Liverpool 2024
Year 3 and the Hangout enjoyed an adventure to Liverpool by bus and train.They enjoyed an open top tour of the city and exploring the art and sculptures at the Walker Art Gallery. What a great day out!!
Fieldwork in the local area
Year 3 enjoyed a Geography lesson where they went for a walk in the local area and used a map to find their way to different waypoints. Once there, they had to work out the OS symbol and the Four figure grid reference.
Pyjama Day - Passport to Privilege rewards unlocked
Latest reward unlocked on our Passport to Privilege Chart......#Pyjama Day.
Year 3 loved being in their pyjamas, onesies and dressing gowns for a cosy day of learning. It was perfect attire for learning and they got stuck into some tests and an experience day about the Amazon Rainforest.
Year 3 - RE - The Easter Story
Year 3 #enjoyed reading about The Easter Story in our children’s Bibles. We read the stories leading up to Good Friday, learning about what happened on Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday.
Year 3 - Art - Modroc Sculptures
Year 3 #enjoyed getting messy this afternoon, adding layers of modroc to their food sculptures. We can’t wait to paint them next week!
Four Figure Grid References in Geography
Year 3 enjoyed Geography today as they continued to learn how to work out four figure grid references on maps. They looked at maps of Skelmersdale and Liverpool and had to work out the grid references linked to different OS symbols.
World Book Day 2024 in Year 3
Year 3 had a blast during World Book Day. They enjoyed an engaging live lesson from the BBC and delved into one of the fantastic World Book Day books. One of the highlights of the day was certainly creating their own design of a T shirt for the Dinosaur Club.
Year 3 are working hard in Maths
Lots of practical work in Maths, over the last few days, for Year 3. The children learnt about remainders by using lollysticks to help them make squares and triangles and see how many were left over. They have also started a new unit on length so are getting grips to measuring in m, cm and mm.
Year 3 Jigsaw - Healthy vs Unhealthy
Year 3 enjoyed their second lesson of their latest Jigsaw theme of Keeping Healthy. They discussed foods and if they thought they were healthy or unhealthy. They also looked at the amounts of sugar in food and looked at different food labels.