Herd Farm Leeds
Year 3 had an amazing day at Herd Farm.
In the morning, they delved into the mysteries of the Stone Age as they learnt about hunting and gathering, different artefacts and new ways of fishing.
They even had a go at building their own shelters.
In the afternoon, Year 3 explored the…
Magnets - Attract or Repel?
Year 3 dived into the mesmerizing world of magnetic forces with a science experiments.
Predictions were made - would the magnets attract or repel? Then, the moment of truth arrived as they tested out their predictions with enthusiasm.
Being filmed learning about 3D Printing
An exciting afternoon for Year 3 as they were joined in class by visitors from Create Education for a talk about 3D printing, while being filmed! They enjoyed exploring some 3D prints and then showing off their designs to the camera.
Learning about life in the Stone Age
Year 3 carried on their learning about the Stone Age by imagining their were living during the Stone Age and having to identify assets and threats in their environment and share their reasons why. They then looked at a scene from a Palelolithic camp to identify some of the achievements from the…
3D Design in Year 3
Year 3 began their 3D Design unit in I Learn 2. They experimented with copying and creating the different patterns to understand 3D. They can't wait to create their own designs to 3D print.
Investigating Stone Age artefacts
An introduction to the Stone Age, in Year 3, as children explored different artefacts and photographs of artefacts. The children had to think about what they were made out of and what they were used for as they started to think as they became archaeologists to find out about Stone Age life.
First Day in Year 3
Our Year 3 children are off to a fantastic start in their new adventure in Key Stage 2. From the moment they stepped in the classroom, they've been buzzing with excitement and diving headfirst into their learning. They kicked off with Jigsaw, to learn the class rules and think about their goals…
Year 2 Microhabitats
Year 2 have been looking at microhabitats today. They found a decomposing log with lots of small beetles and found a spider under a rock. Whilst we found some microhabitats, year 2 wanted to build their own. They made sure they have shelter, access to food and water and oxygen.
We hope some…
Aspirations Day Two
Year 2 have been talking to a painter and decorator and got to spend time with the paramedics.