Image of Y1 Halloween
31 October 2022

Y1 Halloween

Happy Halloween! We hope you’ve all had a spooky, fun-filled day! We had a fantastic time dancing at the Delphside Halloween disco today and enjoyed some special Halloween themed lessons in class! Looking forward to hearing all about your trick or treating adventures tomorrow morning! 

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Image of Y1 Jigsaw Being Me in My World
20 October 2022

Y1 Jigsaw Being Me in My World

What does a happy classroom look like? Year 1 can show you that! #enjoy We have loved our friend Jigsaw Jack in class this term. This week we focused on what we like learning in class and how school makes us feel happy and safe. We designed our own happy classroom in small groups talking about…

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Image of Y1 Science Animals including Humans
19 October 2022

Y1 Science Animals including Humans

This term we have been focusing on Animals including Humans as our topic in year 1. The children have been learning the names of all the different animals and gaining scientific skills by classifying animals by type. We know what the key features of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish…

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Image of Y1 Jigsaw Proud Moments and Consequences
12 October 2022

Y1 Jigsaw Proud Moments and Consequences

Over the past two weeks, year 1 have been learning about school rules and what good consequences are and what negative consequences are. We have talked about how actions have consequences and what they look like at home and in school. We read the school rules and discussed what good learning looks…

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Image of Y1 Choosing Time
11 October 2022

Y1 Choosing Time

In Year 1, we have a mixture of teacher-led activities and child-led activities. Child-led activities are when the children learn through play and can choose what they would like to do. This week we have been #enjoying our new routine and have #embraced new challenges. Check out the photos for a…

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Image of Year 1 - Art - Photo Collage
3 October 2022

Year 1 - Art - Photo Collage

Year 1 have #embraced some collaging skills, breaking up our faces into new pieces and taking inspiration from Pablo Picasso by layering them down in different places. 

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Image of Y1 whole class reading
27 September 2022

Y1 whole class reading

Over the past few weeks, Year 1 have been enjoying the book The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon by Richard Adams. The story is about the adventures of a mischievous homemade dragon that helps others by finding all their lost items! 

We have thought carefully about our designs for our very own…

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Image of Funky Fingers!
21 September 2022

Funky Fingers!

When children begin to write, their fingers and hands have to work as hard as a marathon runner's legs! No one would run a marathon without training first that’s why Year 1 have been busy strengthening their fine motor skills in a variety of ways. We have been sharing a range of activities every…

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Image of History We Are Explorers
14 September 2022

History We Are Explorers

In History this term we are learning about explorers and today we discussed what an explorer might need to help them on an adventure. When reading the story The Great Explorer by Chris Judge, we noticed that he didn’t pack a telescope so as a class we all made our own telescopes to explore the…

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Image of Reception - Handa's Surprise
19 July 2022

Reception - Handa's Surprise

Reception have been reading the story 'Handa's Surprise. They loved discussing similarities and differences to where they live and where the story is set, in Africa. Reception created their own African masks and enjoyed some wellbeing-colouring-in African patterns.


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Image of Reception - Fabulous Phonics
12 July 2022

Reception - Fabulous Phonics

Reception enjoy their daily Phonics lessons. They practice their letter formation and sizing, read and spell words using their phonic knowledge, and write sentences too. Then, after all of that, they check their writing for capital letters, finger spaces and punctuation! 

#enjoy #embrace…

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